here i will explain the conversion of permesso di soggiorno studio to permesso di soggiorno lavoro.
prefettura--> posta italia --> questura
posta italia-->prefettura --> questura
as you may see, the only difference from pds studio processes is the part of prefettura. prefettura is the place where they make the conversion and give the authorization to your documents.
if your pds is ending soon, you may try to make the application from posta italia first ( for not being illegal in italy) and then you can go to prefettura, take the conversion, turn back to questura with that conversion and finish the process, that was how i did.
differently from pds studio, they didn't ask me for a health insurance, i guess the companies are covering that one, that should be the reason. remember that you will need to fill both module 1 and module 2 in the kit that you get from questura. see the pictures below!!!!
let's see what to do for each step:
prefettura- conversion of studio to lavoro
posta- sending the kit
questura- checking the documents and issuing the pds
first step is to register to the website below and fill the documents online.
one thing to consider is, for the contracts of determinato, indeterminato and apprendistato the form that you need to fill should be V2, for contratto progetto it should be Z2.
in these forms you are being asked to fill your details but also some information about the company (code of partita iva etc). after you fill all the forms you need to buy marca da bollo and insert its number to the last form and send the application. in couple of days you will receive a mail of appointment. another thing to remember is you need to present all the documents in italian! here are the list of the documents:
- copia del Permesso di Soggiorno in corso di validità il giorno di presentazione della domanda;
- copia del documento d’identità del richiedente (passaporto);
- contratto di soggiorno per lavoro subordinato redatto su modello Q allegato e precompilato, firmato solamente dal datore di lavoro in tre copie originali;
- contratto di affitto o dichiarazione di ospitalità del richiedente la conversione.
- copia del documento d’identità del datore di lavoro (se straniero passaporto e permesso di soggiorno);
- N.1 Marca da bollo da € 16 i cui estremi sono stati inseriti nella domanda.
- sarà necessario portare la documentazione dimostrante di aver conseguito in Italia il Diploma di Laurea, Master Universitario, Dottorato di Ricerca ai sensi del DDMM 509/99 o 270/04. OPPURE di aver compiuto il diciottesimo anno di età in Italia. La mancanza di uno di questi requisiti comporta il non accoglimento della domanda
after this step you need to go to prefettura, they will authorize the conversion (for me it took only 5 min and they didn't even check all the documents that they have asked!) and then you can go to questura and then finalize the process.
your pds lavoro should be in line with your contract. if you have 2 years of contract, it should be 2 years, if you have indeterminato, it would be again 2 years but then you need to renew it. for progetto it will be the same with the length of your contract. but!!!
it didn't work like this for me, even if i had 2 years of contract, they gave me 1 year of pds lavoro because there should be at least 5000 Eur that has to be paid to INPS from the company. honestly that didn't seem so real to me, i guess they just wanted me to make another application next year and pay again.
also for the pds lavoro you may track your application from the link below:
it doesn't seem working well though, before getting my pds the website told me that there were missing documents but they gave my pds without any problem and even now i check the site it is still not updated. but it may give you some information, if you are lucky enough!
that's the overall process, now you can forget everything that i wrote and experience all the differences that you will face during your application!
good luck!
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